Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Services
- ESG strategy development
- ESG conformance audits and verification
- ESG performance measurement and benchmarking
- ESG due diligence and risk assessment
- ESG reporting and disclosure
- ESG training and education
- Paragon +Impact ESG risk and Sustainable Development Goals impact tool
- Climate risk and resilience services
- Carbon regulatory and voluntary reporting
- Energy monitoring, targeting, reporting, ISO 50001, implementation and auditing
- Energy risk mitigation, renewable energy and climate change strategies and opportunities
- Greenhouse gas (GHG) and clean development mechanism inventory development, reporting (ISO 14064-1 & 14064-2), verification and validation
- Business water footprinting (ISO 14046)
- Resource efficiency and cleaner production assessments
- Supply chain sustainability
- Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment
- Employee engagement and diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Life Cycle Assessments (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044)

Environmental/Sustainability Regulatory Compliance
- Environmental and social due diligence
- Auditing:
- Environmental and social management programme performance assessment
- Water and waste regulatory compliance
- Regulatory and risk assessment
Environmental Monitoring
- Water monitoring
- Dust fall-out monitoring
- Biomonitoring (SASS5)
- Mini-SASS5 voluntary work
- Geo-tagging

Financial Provisioning & Closure Planning
- Assisting with strategic closure planning
- Identification of:
- Life of mine strategies
- Cost saving initiatives
- Compilation of:
- Financial provisioning assessments/reports
- Risk assessments
- Annual rehabilitation plans
- Annual remediation plans
- Closure certificate applications
- Reviewing environmental authorisations to determine the adequacy of liability costs
Research, Development & Remediation
- Establishment and management of Wings Sanctuaries for bees, butterflies and dragonflies
- Apiary (bee) farming establishment
- Undertaking bee swarm rescue and relocation
- Bee and beekeeping education and basic training
- Research and identifying alternative implementable remediation and rehabilitation solutions, e.g. tailings rehabilitation
- Nature based solutions and biodiversity conservation planning

Environmental Licensing
- Environmental screening and feasibility studies
- Applications for:
- Mining rights
- Mining permits
- Exploration and prospecting rights
- Environmental regulatory applications:
- Environmental authorisations
- Waste management licences/permits
- Water use licences/permits
- Atmospheric emission licences/permits
- Regulatory application amendments and variations
- Appeal processes
- Environmental authorisation processes:
- Basic Assessments
- Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessments
- Environmental Management Programmes
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessments
- Environmental and Social Management Programmes
- Environmental specialist assessments
- Integrated Water and Waste Management Plans and Rehabilitation Strategy Implementation Plans
- Authority liaison and meetings
- Public participation processes and stakeholder engagement
Environmental Technical Advisory
- Strategic planning
- Environmental regulatory screening and project implementation readiness assessment
- Technical peer reviews
- Project management of environmental licensing processes and implementation progress
- In-house environmental operational support and advice
- Provision of external and internal environmental control officer services
- Development of standard system and operating procedures
- Environmental awareness training
- Environmental design criteria
- Sustainability options analysis

Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management System Auditing, Development and Implementation
- ISO-based system development and implementation consultation (ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 9001)
- Internal audits of HSE management systems
- HSE management systems training for leadership, awareness, management system requirements, implementation and internal auditing
Social Inclusion Embracing Sustainability
- Promoting the circular economy through innovation and collaboration with youth throughout Africa
- Community skills development and partnerships
- Social enterprise and economic development partnerships

Geographical Information Systems
- Geospatial screening
- Geographical and spatial data analysis
- Geospatial data management and processing
- Mapping and cartography
- Graphic representation and illustrations