I&APs – Register To Comment

OMI Solutions Interested and Affected Party (I&AP)
Personal Information Processing Consent Form (POPIA)


Thank you for registering as an I&AP on the application.

In terms of POPIA, OMI Solutions may continue to send correspondence, by electronic and/or other communication methods to you, as a data subject, as you have registered as an I&AP on the project and consented to receiving communication from OMI Solutions. As it was not previously a legal requirement, we haven't kept physical records of such consents, but in future we might be required to provide evidence of such consent and therefore, this form will be used as such evidence. We make use of emails, registered post, faxes and sms’s to communicate with you. All Personal Information that you provide to OMI Solutions will be held and/ or stored securely for the purpose of providing you with communication regarding an application where you have registered as an I&AP. Your Personal Information will be stored electronically in a database, which will be accessible by all OMI Solutions employees. You are within your rights to withhold consent to OMI Solutions collecting and processing your Personal Information, but in the event that you withhold consent to providing OMI Solutions with your Personal Information, OMI Solutions will not be able to engage with you via electronic and/or other communication methods to provide you with information relating to an application where you have registered as an I&AP.

Information Quality – POPIA places an obligation on OMI Solutions to ensure that your personal information remains correct and up to date, but we request you to inform us if your name or contact details have changed in order to keep in contact.

You'll receive a copy of this form via email, which you should retain as proof of your consent.

Kind regards

OMI Solutions

Date: will be the date of submission of this form

I hereby confirm my voluntary consent to receive communication from OMI Solutions by means of electronic and/or other communication methods.

As per your identity document. You will be regarded as the "Data Subject" in terms of POPIA (i.e. the person to whom this "personal information" relates)
In terms of Regulation 43 (1) of the NEMA EIA Regulations an I&AP must disclose any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which that party may have in the approval or refusal of an application.
I hereby confirm my voluntary consent to receive communication from OMI Solutions by means of electronic and/or other communication methods.(Required)
In terms of POPIA, OMI Solutions may continue to send correspondence, by electronic and/or other communication methods, to you, as a data subject, as you have registered as an I&AP on the project and consented to receiving communication from OMI Solutions. As it was not previously a legal requirement, we haven't kept physical records of such consents, but in future we might be required to provide evidence of such consent and therefore, this form will be used as such evidence. We make use of emails, registered post, faxes and sms’s to communicate with you. All Personal Information that you provide to OMI Solutions will be held and/ or stored securely for the purpose of providing you with communication regarding and application where you have registered as an I&AP. Your Personal Information will be stored electronically in a database, which will be accessible by all OMI Solutions employees. You are within your rights to withhold consent to OMI Solutions collecting and processing your Personal Information, but in the event that you withhold consent to providing OMI Solutions with your Personal Information, OMI Solutions will not be able to engage with you via electronic and/or other communication methods to provide you with information relating to an application where you have registered as an I&AP.